Partisan Artisans
Eat Issue 16: Sweet

This article was originally published in November 2003.

In March, 2003, Richard Lessner, then Executive Director of the American Conservative Union, co-founded Star Spangled Ice Cream, an internet-based ice cream company offering gourmet ice cream “with a conservative flavour.” Eat interviewed him for our ‘Sweet’ issue. The following are highlights from our conversation. Note – Eat takes a bipartisan approach to its ice-cream consumption.

The whole thing started with the original flavour – We Hate the French Vanilla. We were kicking around the idea of French Vanilla, and we all agreed that we hate the French. Of course, that’s one of the things that sets most people off, because they really think that we’re fomenting hatred, but of course we’re not.

Last year our president was at the movie theatre with his wife and children and before the movie rolled, one of those obnoxious advertisements came up on the screen – it was for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Andy turned to his wife and said ‘you know Ben & Jerry’s makes great ice cream, but boy their liberal politics are just awful. It really bugs me that every time I buy their ice cream some of the money goes to support liberal causes. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a conservative ice cream?’ And so a light bulb went on.

The reason people enjoy gourmet ice cream is because it’s got a whole lot of fat in it. And we’re entirely in favour of fat.

We’d like to see our ice-cream sold – or offered – in the House and Senate dining rooms. They sell Ben & Jerry’s Peace Pops in the House cafeteria; we thought it’d be a good idea to have Star Spangled Ice Cream in there. But you know these politicians – they’re easily scared off.

We just recently rolled out our newest flavour – Gun Nut – in honour of the second amendment and the right to keep and bear arms, and we’ve partnered up with an organisation called Gun Owners of America and contribute a dollar from the sale of each quart of Gun Nut. And we’re pleased to have the endorsement and support of Ted Nugent, the famous rocker, sportsman and gun nut. Gun nut Ted loves Gun Nut ice cream.

We’re not just selling a gimmick here; we’re selling darn good ice cream.

We send ten percent of profits from the original four flavours to charities. When we launched the company we asked on our website if people would send us suggestions for charities associated with the military.

We’re always looking to expand our product line. We’re looking at flavours like “US Marines Tough Cookies & Cream” and “US Navy Battle-Chip.”

Text: Eat Team / Photo: Vivian Ronay